Before booking please make sure this journey is right for you

Please examine the pages of this website which describe the journey you are interested in.
If you are new to our Private Journeys, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
As well, we suggest you talk to us prior to sending in the booking form to make sure that we still have space available. The status on the website is not always updated in real time.

Complete the booking form in its entirety

Once you have verified that we have space available, simply download a copy of the booking form by clicking on the button below, complete the form and send it to us along with your trip deposit and photocopies of your passports.
Once all vacant seats have been filled we will establish a short waiting list in case there are any cancellations. To have your name placed on the waiting list, we need to receive a completed booking form, but no deposit is needed.
Before sending in the booking form please read the Terms and Conditions which are an integral part of the form.
Space on our journeys is always allocated on a first-come, first-served basis according to the time of arrival of the booking form and deposit in our office, regardless of any temporary arrangements for holding space.


Once we receive your deposit, you are deemed to have firmly stated your intention to travel and to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions outlined as part of your Booking Form.
As you are aware, tour payments on international journeys are non-refundable since, once we pay foreign hotels, transport companies, local airlines, restaurants, guides and drivers, we are never able to get these funds refunded, so it is extremely important that you have appropriate travel insurance to cover your tour payments in case an unforeseen event causes you to cancel.
Although quite rare, on occasion we at TrailFinders are forced to postpone one of our international trips in its entirety prior to the departure date. Of course, we reserve the right to do this at any time for any reason including but not limited to insufficient participation or developing situations which may endanger our clients or staff or which may make it impossible to conduct the trip as planned. In this case, we will establish revised dates for departure of the journey on which you are booked and will apply your full payments to the new departure or to the departure of one of our other upcoming Private Journeys if you prefer. If these alternate dates are not acceptable to you, TrailFinders will offer similar travel arrangements as a custom-designed independent tour on the dates of your choice.
No other compensation will be paid in the event of a cancelled departure or change of departure date.
TrailFinders will not be held responsible for any additional losses incurred by clients for other related or unrelated travel arrangements or for air ticket cancellation or rebooking fees. Travel insurance is always highly recommended to cover all non-refundable amounts.